Ica request to change doctors


Claims - Request to Change Doctors

Claims Division
Request to Change Doctors

Ruby Tate, Claims Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phoenix: 800 W Washington St, Phoenix AZ 85007 - Phone: (602) 542-4661
Tucson: 2675 East Broadway, Tucson AZ 85716 - Phone: (520) 628-5181
FAX (use for either office): (602) 542-3373

Phone List of ICA Divisions

Request to Change Doctors

Request to Change Doctors Form

When an injury occurs, an employer has the right to have an injured worker seen by a doctor of the employer’s choice one time. (If the injured worker returns to that physician a second time, that physician becomes the attending physician.)

After the one visit to the employer’s designated physician, the injured worker may report to a physician of his/her choice. Exception: A small number of Arizona employers are self-insured with contracted medical care on file with the ICA. Workers who are injured while in the employ of one of these self-insured employers are required to go to the employers' contracted doctors for all medical care related to the industrial injury.

To determine if an employer is self-insured, contact the ICA Claims Division at (602) 542-4661.

Once an attending physician is selected, there are three ways to change doctors: the attending physician refers the injured worker to another doctor; the insurance carrier approves a change of doctors; or upon written application from the injured worker the ICA approves a change of doctors.

Additionally, if both the injured worker's doctor and insurance company refuse the worker's request to change doctors, the worker may apply to the Industrial Commission for approval to change doctors.