The following list provides a very brief description of notifications required by state and/or federal law or regulation. It is not designed to provide a comprehensive description of the various requirements or notifications.
Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations
Each division must make an annual announcement at the beginning of the school year advising the public that current copies of all division policies and regulations are available on the division’s website. The announcement should also state that printed copies of school division policies and regulations are available to citizens who do not have online access. VSBA Policy BF Board Policy Manual; Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:7.E.
Upon approval of the school division’s budget by the appropriating body every year, the school board must publish the approved annual budget, in line item form, including the estimated required local match, on the division’s website. The document must also be made available in hard copy as needed for citizens for inspection. Va. Code § 22.1-93.
Each division which participates in the Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools programs must notify parents and the public about the programs. VSBA Policy EFB Food Services; 42 U.S.C. § 1758; 7 C.F.R. 245.2, 7 C.F.R. 245.5. Divisions must also provide notice that they do not discriminate on the basis of handicap. 7 C.F.R. 15b.7.
Parents of all children in attendance at school must receive a notice containing an application form and the following information:
Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement
Within one calendar month of the opening of school, each division must, simultaneously with any other materials customarily distributed at that time, send to the parents of each enrolled student
The superintendent must prepare and distribute notification of the estimated average per pupil cost for public education in the division for the upcoming school year. The notice must also include actual per pupil state and local education expenditures for the previous school year. The notice may include federal funds spent for public education in the division. The notice shall be made available in a form provided by DOE and published on the school division’s website or in hard copy on request. The notice should be printed on a form prescribed by the Board of Education and distributed to school divisions for publication. VSBA Policy DIA Reporting Per Pupil Costs; Va. Code § 22.1-92.
Child Find Notice
Annually Henrico County Public Schools must take steps to locate and identify qualified students with disabilities and to advise the public of the school division’s responsibilities under Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Every school board must annually provide information to parents of pupils in grades five through 12 regarding eating disorders. The information must be consistent with guidelines developed by the Virginia Department of Education. Va. Code § 22.1-273.2. A sample information sheet for parents is available on the Virginia Department of Education’s website.
Each school’s written procedures to follow in emergencies such as fire, injury, illness and violent or threatening behavior must be outlined in the student handbook and discussed with staff and students in the first week of each school year. VSBA Policy EB School Crisis, Emergency Management and Medical Emergency Response Plan. 8 VAC 20-131-260.D.
The school division’s policy regarding student fees and the fee schedule must be provided to parents annually and posted on the division’s website. VSBA Policy JN Student Fees, Fines and Charges; 8 VAC 20-720-80.B.
Each division is required to make its comprehensive plan for the education of gifted students accessible through the division’s website. The division must also ensure printed copies are available to citizens who do not have online access. 8 VAC 20-40-60.
At the beginning of each school year, every school must provide to students in all grade levels a notice of all requirements for Board of Education-approved diplomas. VSBA Policy IKF The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements; 8 VAC 20-131-270.B.
Each division must provide public notice of the education rights of the homeless students enrolled in the division. 42 U.S.C. § 11432(e)(3)(C)(i). The notice is to be disseminated in places where homeless students receive services, including schools, family shelters, and soup kitchens. 42 U.S.C. § 11432 (g)(6)(A)(vi). The notice must be in a “manner and form” understandable to homeless students and their
parents/guardians, “including, if necessary and to the extent feasible,” in their native language. VSBA Policy JECA Admission of Homeless Students; 42 U.S.C. § 11432(e)(3)(C)(iii).
Every school division that has an Internet website must make its Internet privacy policy statement conspicuously available on its website.