The City of Benson General Plan was most recently adopted in February 2015 and is effective for 10 years. This is a general, long term, comprehensive plan of the desired direction of the City. It includes a vision statement as well as the City's goals, objectives and policy statements. These are all intended to serve as a framework and guide for decision making which impact the City's future growth and development.
The current City of Benson Vision Statement reads:
"The City of Benson's Vision for the year 2025 and beyond is based on a strong, healthy, self-sufficient community that is diverse in economic and employment opportunities, is attractive to new employers and businesses and faithful to its historic and natural assets. We desire to achieve a sense of community pride through cooperative among residents, businesses, educational institutions and government. We strive to construct a variety of modern community facilities to serve the needs of residents and visitors. Our vision includes an attractive, well-maintained community that is family oriented and friendly, which offers a wide range of goods and services and an array of health, recreational and cultural activities."