University Strategic Plan

Northwestern's Strategic Plan, NorthWEstern WILL, has since 2011 provided a framework in which to define our shared goals. It builds on our many strengths and focuses our energies and resources on the most pressing issues that we are distinctively positioned to address. The structure of the plan encourages multidimensional approaches to achieving significant goals in four areas, or pillars, critical to the University's future. These pillars have been refined and articulated more recently as University Priorities, guiding our ambitions, continuous improvement efforts, and institutional investments.

Download the Northwestern University Strategic Plan for a full overview of our goals and vision.

The Pillars

Student and professor <a href=in a lab" />


We will work together through research and innovation to create solutions to problems that will improve lives, communities, and the world.

Students studying together in Qatar


We will, more than ever before, integrate student learning with experiences in the world beyond the classroom.

Students playing ball on Deering Meadow


We will close the gap between intentions and outcomes to connect individuals from widely diverse backgrounds and life experiences to a truly inclusive community.

A couple walking along the lake path with Chicago


We will, through strategic partnerships, engage locally, nationally, and internationally to heighten our global impact for the greater good.